Monday, September 12, 2011


Who is the people of god ?.The people of god is every one who believe on his name. Dont mind your colour or race every one was made in the same image and likeness of god and has the wright to be here. What makes us different is who we love as our creator. The people of god look to him and help others but the people of the devil tells us that we are different in  colour or race. If you thing that you are different in race is there any place for the children that was born from two different race.
 What is a car ? A car is a machine made up of many different parts with different names and the hole thing together is call a car the different parts has different work to do and so is the children of god. His love towards his people is far reaching in many simple ways. In governments that is call social welfare and in wars we call it humanitarian help this is how he plan to reach his people (how do we plan to reach him)?.
 God;s will to his people is that they should come together he gave us the time to do so that by his wisdom. We can create things in many different ways dont mind how far we are from one another we can reach them by the inspiration of a phone computer television and many other things. Gods people is prudent and meek in every way to protect people place or things because they believe that there is a tomorrow in life or death.
He is so loving he gave us the wright to chose what we want if it is him or the devil but be mindfull of what you do he is standing there like the pump at the gas station to say how much gas you run and how much it cost but you have to know how much gas you wanted and how far you want to go with the gas you buy.In our life he is the driver and his word is the key and we are the car . Psalm 27.

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