Sunday, October 14, 2012

This journey of life

This journey of life starts as a child and we go through many stages to become a man and it is right when we become a man we reflected on how life was for us as we grow into a man. In the the open world where we can see each other the first we knew was our mother;s breast. The care and time that they give to us through this journey to become a man it is the same thing as accepting god into our life he will protect us the same way until he know you are ready to fight to build his kingdom and truss him only as the director of your life in body and soul. Psalm 25 v5 and Psalm 27 v1.
The things you achieve in this life does not come easy there are many down fall and his will is that you will always shine. When you shine this is your will to bring others to believe on him because they will see some thing special in you that they want also and your words of comfort will be there light to his path. To be prudent and meek is your words of wisdom and you can only achieve that when you are fully grounded in him and the light that is in you people can see it around you this is why you can say a flower is nice because your can smell it. psalm 69 v2 and Psalm 14.
The fruits of your labour will be the comfort of your heart it can be your children our people that was directed to god by you. Your guidance to all mankind is because you have the understanding that every thing was created by god and how you use that special wisdom to deal with things. You will also have hard times in your life and how you handle it is your light to others. Because your words and deeds has been a light onto others you have become a fisherman for his kingdom and this has become your journey of life that you can enjoy your old age. Psalm32 v7 and Psalm 40.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

((The Five Senses ))

Human we are as long as we can see each other that means wisdom is the guide to any thing we do if there is a thought of the future. What we call vision of the future  this vision is of the spirit that is working in you. This spirit have the decision we have to make (what) guide it. Now what guides this spirit is the same feeling you have is the same feeling when smell of any thing. Your reaction is the reflection of the spirit that is working in you.
Around this feelings that is of god is love and having love that forms respect now we have to show what we give respect to. Respect is your fear of love to god because you know there be a day he will judge and this is a feeling between you and god only and in you heart you have to believe god is bigger than any thing on earth and this a feeling only you can talk about. This is seen in all your five senses how we use them to live.
We need the to work with every thing on earth because it is the creation and what is created of god we have no control over only the things that is created by man for for living in this life. The other life we know not a thing about because of sin Genesis..... 3. Remember this how, why, when and where is the thing in life we are all trying to develop for respect in or life. This is why when we smell any thing it is to make us aware what is around.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Love Your Neighbour

Love your neighbour as you love your self all of us has turn a blind eye to this commandment by not seeing each other as he or she is we look for the things that make us look big. When the true fact is that we have turn our back on the true love of god when he said to us who have eyes to see let them see and who have ears to hear let them hear.
The bible talk about all these different nations and different land history tells us the same thing but the will of god is extracted from it in a money making affair and what created the history we give no credit or respect to the people or place simple because the will of god must be well organise that man can make easy money and you can lost your life for this.
From land to land the things that is history we put a value to it and fight over it such as the things we call historical artifact and many country hunt them down even pay lots of money to get it back. But this has brought pain to one country and it;s people and no one has seen that or talk about it because it makes them look big and the hole world is behind it...Psalm...(2).  
Why we do not see what the world is doing to Greece and it;s people and what pain they bear because the Olympic games was stolen from them and the hole world is behind this. History says these games was created in Greece and this is their historical artifact and it should return to them and then we will see the true value of these games.
This will bring pain and sorrow to all other country that host these games because it is stolen and does not have it;s real value this is some thing Greece must share with it;s neighbours and Greece the central place for the finals. There will a lot of problems in Europe until they come to them self and see what big mistake was made.....Psalm...(49). 

Monday, June 18, 2012

What Is God;s Will for Us.

As a sinner the will of God in us is our eyes ears nose and mouth and this defend the body. Now the body has the contact to the things of the world and these are members of the body and they guide the body. The things of the world is made by God. Psalm......24.
Our education to life starts with parents then to our teachers then understanding comes as we grow from a child to an adult and this is when we start saying we have knowledge our wisdom.What is history and our day to day life you have to balance carefully Psalm..1.
What is history and what is day to day living is the Government of your land. The wisdom of God is the balance between right and wrong and the mistakes of the past is our guide to development and history is what was wrong that the eyes can see. Psalm.....27.
The war between good and bad is who will take controle of your life and most time we get into another man;s happiness by saying let me share piece of the action and not finding your own happiness and this your wisdom of love so that you have a reel fantacy of life Psalm....2.
To give love as God givest i pray for the Greeks that they will now stand up with rest of the and take the olympic back to the children to make them special this belongs to them. This is one of the many mistake by world it is every where by our leaders Psalm.....96.
What is God;s will for us is the freedom to also say when we are wrong and overcome the fair of death. Because of what history also teaches us to overcome that fair of a mistake. We are of the flesh and the journey of love we must accept the spirit Psalm....12. 


Sunday, June 10, 2012

I See God Bigger Than Anything On Earth

We are living on earth and there exist many countries and islands and people inhabit them. There are many creations every where and as man live from day to day we seek ways to make our life comfortable so we create things but the things that we do not know about when we find them we say that we discover it. That is the wisdom  within us to live.
Putting every thing together it is the creation of God and the respect paid to him for what he has done is accepted by a few. I do not know if we are confused by these two words which is create and discover. Normal man is creative and has the wisdom to discover thing. But the creation was done by God and that credit is his at all times no one Psalm..1.
The respect for God and his wisdom given to man we take credit before the world for the things we discover or create. If another man make the same thing you created we put him to court if he start selling it. What you have discover who put it there that you can find it or where did you get the wisdom to create these things (does any of us have control over the things we discover?.....Isaiah 42......5 to 9.
How God thinks of us is different to how we think of our own fellowmen should the father see it the way we make our decisions.Should it be an eye for an eye or compassion and love or why do we spend the time with a baby until it is grown to do the things for it self. This is the way of God the creator in every thing we do what is or view towards our fellowmen......John...17.
Our time here on earth is given to us freely by God and he expect that we show love for his creation. His example that is before our eyes is the nature around us that we can live. In every generation comes different creations of wisdom given by god and his love in you is seen by what you do here on earth.....1Corinthians....15 to 17.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


The power of his light is the wisdom you achieve in believing on his word and this is what will shine through your life.Your love to god and his wisdom given to you is the strength you will have to go through life because your eyes would be open to right and wrong and so is your ears.
Through our life to decide between right and wrong you need his wisdom and this is like baking bread. You made the bread and put it in the oven and you is the one to know when it is ready for eating and this is why you have to let him do this for you this is the part he will play if you let him.
If we think that our job love life or friends will bring us this happiness we are wrong this is a burning desire deep down in us. No one can help us with that but we our selves and we have to chose between right and wrong and who will be the teacher of this.Ecclesiastes 12.....v 13to14.
In life we are only comfortable when we know the truth about things good or bad. To escape the problems through life the wisdom is in his words Luke..21...v 34 to 36 and this will be like the butterflies going to flowers in the morning this is the wonder of his love to you.
From this love that we give to him we will notice that our respect for people places or things becomes great with a burning desire to protect every thing 1John..4..v 20 to 21. To listen is the wisdom of been prudent and meek to the glory of god.
A child that was brought up in the teaching of god will have a good foundation in life an adult that seek his way must humble him self as a child to under his glory and grow in wisdom Mathew..18.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The price for vain things is a direct result on how you achieve things or your actions to people places or things and this makes you a wanted man by your own conscience.Your conscience is the director of your every day life among people places or things.
The conscience is the one who have the power to walk between the spirit of good and bad and this is why when you know of anything good or bad it makes us happy or sad. And only a child have this will of not knowing the extent of any thing they laugh any time.
The parent is the guardian over the children and god is the guardian over us all and he is spirit and this is why our conscience is our guide to execute wisdom knowledge and understanding for people places or things around us because in him every thing is one. Psalm..2.
Tolerance is when we do not accept people as they are in this life. To understand tolerance is to think about all the different type of jobs there is in this world and all of it is done by people. Then what difference there is if all of it is to make us a comfortable life.
The price of vain things is when our leaders teachers parent or ministers have done things that bring suffering upon the people or children. This is because of the inspiration tolerance of the divine powers is not of god that bring suffering upon the people. Acts  4...v25...32.
There is always failure in vain things it must be things done with wisdom there is a future in what was done.At no time you will ever see the rain fall on one house or the light of the moon shining for one person this is like a religion that say they are the true church.
This is why respect for your fellow men is the love of god this is tolerance by our heavenly father to wait on us that we can see our mistake and say we are sorry. This is why the heavenly did not choose a special people to give the ten commandments it is for every one.
It is also vain not to have the eyes of faith to see the bad things just as the will of the lord is in man so is the will of the devil. In dealing with man the wisdom of the tools of a carpenter is wisdom to avoid conflicts so you should know how these tools work and apply it to your life.
How why when and where is also wisdom in dealing with the devil because he is every where just as the spirit of god but to be prudent cunning and wise once the devil sees this you are his enemy so when he comes to attack you he will come with his angels.
In Matthew 12......v 10......13 is a perfect example of how why when and where the rules of god;s love for man and who needs him most and what it means to be equal in the sight of god and the understanding that all his work is for man and not a church.