Monday, September 5, 2011


Why challenge god when we have no control over death natural disaster or knowledge .I think it is better to be prudent and meek for humanity sake that we will all have an equal place in this life.
 We challenge god by the things we do when every thing was made perfect we have our own ways  by the laws we make and a hypocrite to the truth and the understanding.
 In scientific study it proves a young child in the womb can respond to many different things and protect it self from danger slso to see light but you can destroy that child and it is not a crime but in the holy book the lord said to Jeremiah i know you from your mothers womb.
How can you kill in god name and that is holy or what is understanding for the love of man or the creation of god that is perfect.
This is a challenge to god and his creation  Is there any thing on earth that normal man made things that have life and increse in a normal way our could any man create rain or stop a storm from coming.
 Why challenge god on the things he created when he is so mercyful to give you the chance to think for our self and change our ways every thing we do we would give account for it.
 Think of your school days and having an exam in class the teacher does no correction at the end the exam the grades you make you will know if you pass or fail and so is your life with god .
Do you know what he is preparing for your exam that is how he is preparing your life so why challenge him when he is the teacher your will is to learn that you can pass his exam to move to a higher class or graduate to his job market to bring followers to him and be a challenge to satan as he did his hole life for the love of his people that they may have everlasting life.

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